2023 3M Scholars


Sponsored by 3M, this scholarship is awarded to high-achieving undergraduate Black students who are enrolled in an accredited four-year college pursuing a degree in business, engineering, technology or related majors.

The Ann Fudge Scholarship is open to ambitious undergraduate Black female students who are enrolled in one of the nation’s historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 

Britney Acquah

College/University: University of Massachusetts Boston
Major: Cyber Security
Award: 2023 3M Scholarship

Britney Acquah is pursuing a major in Cybersecurity at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Britney has a strong interest in combining her expertise in cybersecurity with her passion for law, as she aspires to specialize in copyrights, patents, and intellectual property. Britney's academic achievements are commendable, having been accepted into Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year college students, and achieving the Dean's List consecutively. Britney's commitment to her academic and professional growth is evident through her impressive experiences. She recently completed an internship at the Worcester District Attorney's office, gaining valuable insights into the legal field. These accomplishments reflect her dedication to academic excellence and her commitment to personal growth.

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Brycen August

College/University: Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical University
Major: Civil Engineering
Award: 2023 3M Scholarship

Brycen August is pursuing a major in Civil Engineering at PVAMU (Prairie View A&M University). Throughout his academic journey, Brycen has demonstrated exemplary leadership skills and a strong commitment to community service. Brycen's dedication to making a difference in his community is evident through his active involvement in various organizations. He has held leadership positions in esteemed organizations such as the National Honor Society (NHS), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the youth council, and the student council. Last summer, Brycen had the opportunity to participate in the Roy G. Perry Engineering Summer Bridge Program, where he furthered his knowledge and skills in civil engineering. His exceptional performance in the program earned him the prestigious title of "Most Outstanding Civil Engineer" and recognition for his concrete mix design, receiving a certification for his exemplary work.

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Jalil Cooper

College/University: Stanford University
Major: Product Design
Award: 2023 3M Scholarship

Jalil is a pursuing a major in Product Design at Stanford University. In previous summers Jalil has done front-end software development for the biotechnology company Zymergen and done wet lab work and materials engineering research at Stanford University. Yet, he is more well-known for the mathematics research he does in partnership with faculty from Morehouse College. Jalil has spoken about his research at various institutions/events such as Wellesley College, The Joint Mathematics Meeting (Boston 2023), and Cal Poly Pomona. Jalil also gives back to his community by involving himself in different community service organizations like Stanford Breakfast Club and Oakland's People Programs. In both groups, he helps make, package and distribute hot meals, toilet paper, socks, and shoes to those who can't afford those luxuries.

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Safiyah Dodoo

College/University: SUNY University at Buffalo
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Award: 2023 3M Scholarship

Safiya Dodoo is pursuing a Mechanical Engineering major at SUNY at Buffalo. Safiya has demonstrated her commitment to diversity and inclusivity in the STEM field by joining LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation). During the previous summer, Safiya participated in a research program offered by LSAMP. During this program, she had the privilege of working alongside a professor on a research project. The outcome of her dedicated efforts was a research presentation at the undergraduate research conference, showcasing her ability to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in her field. In addition to her academic pursuits, Safiya is a talented athlete and a member of the D1 track team, highlighting her dedication to both academics and athletics.

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Somer Holyfield

College/University: Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Award: 2023 3M Scholarship

Somer Holyfield, a native of Huntsville, AL, is pursuing a major in Mechanical Engineering at Alabama A&M University. On campus, Somer is actively involved in multiple organizations such as the University's Honors Program, VEX Robotics and National Society of Black Engineers. After graduating from college, Somer plans to continue her education by pursuing her master’s degree and obtaining professional certifications in Engineering. S This commitment to lifelong learning exemplifies her determination to continuously enhance her expertise and remain at the forefront of advancements in the field. Somer's journey has not been without challenges, but she has demonstrated resilience and a remarkable ability to navigate through adversity.

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Julian Hunter

College/University: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Award: 2023 3M Scholarship

Julian Hunter is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering at North Carolina A&T State University. Julian's passion for the field has driven him to actively seek internships and opportunities that will provide him with valuable insights and hands-on experience in the engineering industry. In addition to his academic pursuits, Julian has also demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities and a commitment to service. His attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout in January 2022 speaks volumes about his dedication, perseverance, and ability to take on challenges. Within Troop 364, Julian served as both Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader, showcasing his capacity to lead and inspire his peers.

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