2023 Ann Fudge Scholars


Named for the first woman chair of The Executive Leadership Council and former chairman and CEO of Young & Rubicam Brands, the Ann Fudge Scholarship is open to ambitious undergraduate Black female students who are enrolled in an accredited four-year college including one of the nation’s historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 

The Ann Fudge Scholarship is open to ambitious undergraduate Black female students who are enrolled in one of the nation’s historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 

Jada Boddy

College/University: University of Central Missouri
Major: Accounting
Award: 2023 Ann Fudge Scholarship

Jada Boddy is an accounting major at the University of Central Missouri. Jada's academic achievements earned her membership in the prestigious Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, recognizing her outstanding academic performance. She holds leadership positions in Delta Sigma Pi, a co-ed business fraternity, where she serves as the Vice President of Professional Activities and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) chair. Jada's passion for finance extends beyond the classroom. She is particularly interested in tax, audit, and wealth management, aiming to pursue a career as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Additionally, Jada aspires to utilize her expertise to teach and increase financial literacy among underrepresented populations, empowering them with essential financial knowledge.

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Kamille Lacy

College/University: Howard University
Major: Communications
Award: 2023 Ann Fudge Scholarship

Kamille Lacy, a Legal Communications major at Howard University, stands out as a driven and talented individual with a clear vision for her future. Kamille holds the position of Social Events Chair in the Tennis Club and Graphic Design Assistant for HU NAACP. She also contributes her talent as a Photographer on Hilltop Staff showcasing her versatility and passion for creative expression. She has set her sights on pursuing a master's degree in communications following her graduation from Howard, with the goal of building a career in the dynamic field of Public Relations.

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Maya McCord

College/University: Alabama State University
Major: Communications
Award: 2023 Ann Fudge Scholarship

Maya McCord is pursuing a major in Communications with a concentration in Radio and Television at Alabama State University. Her passion for media and storytelling shines through her involvement both on and off campus. As a student-athlete, Maya proudly represents Alabama State University as a member of their championship volleyball team. Maya showcases her talent for communication as a reporter and writer for The Hornet Tribune, the university's esteemed newspaper. Over the past summer, she embarked on internships that provided valuable hands-on experience in the industry. She worked at WJLD 1400 AM Birmingham Radio, where she honed her skills in communications, marketing, and social media.

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Lauren Riley

College/University: University of Connecticut
Major: English
Award: 2023 Ann Fudge Scholarship

Lauren Riley is majoring in English and minoring in math at the University of Connecticut. Lauren is driven to explore her love for creative writing and delve deeper into the world of mathematics. Lauren is known for her unwavering work ethic and vibrant personality. Her peers and teachers recognize her resilience in overcoming tough challenges, including her immuno-deficiencies, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, and Lupus. Hailing from Chicago, Illinois, and raised in West Hartford, Connecticut, Lauren embraces an open-minded perspective towards understanding and appreciating the diverse situations of others.

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