2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholars


The Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship was created in honor of Lowe’s chairman, president & chief executive officer,Marvin R. Ellison. Sponsored by Lowe's, this scholarship is awarded to high-achieving undergraduate Black students enrolled in an accredited four-year college pursuing a degree in business, technology or related majors.

Sponsored by Lowe’s, this scholarship is awarded to high-achieving undergraduate Black students enrolled in an accredited four-year college.

Tyrone (Trey) Fenderson, III

College/University: Presbyterian College
Major: Accounting
Award: 2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship

Trey Fenderson is an accounting major at Presbyterian College, with aspirations of pursuing a career as an accountant. As a student-athlete, Trey's commitment to baseball at Presbyterian College, both during the academic year and the competitive summer season, demands a significant portion of his time. Trey has actively engaged in community service throughout high school and has continued this commitment at Presbyterian College. Additionally, he is an active participant in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization, contributing to the spiritual and personal development of his fellow student-athletes. Trey's dedication to his studies, athletic endeavors, and community involvement showcases his well-rounded character and commitment to success.

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Jordan Hightower

College/University: Tuskegee University
Major: Supply Chain Management
Award: 2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship

Jordan Hightower is a driven second-generation college student enrolled at Tuskegee University. Her academic focus is on Supply Chain Management, complemented by a minor in Economics. Outside of her academic pursuits, Jordan actively engages with campus organizations to make a positive impact. She serves as a board member of Collegiate 100, an organization dedicated to empowering and mentoring young leaders. Additionally, Jordan is a valued general body member of the Tuskegee Chapter of the NAACP, where she contributes to promoting equality, justice, and advocacy on campus and in the community. Jordan's strong academic performance, involvement in campus organizations, and dedication to community service demonstrate her well-rounded character and determination to make a difference.

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Abigail Langaigne

College/University: Howard University
Major: Computer Science
Award: 2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship

From Brooklyn, New York by way of Grenada, Abigail Langaigne is a first-year student at Howard University with sophomore credits. Abigail is majoring in Computer Science in hopes of becoming a Software Developer. She is a part of a non-profit organization in Brooklyn called East Flatbush Village, Inc. which has the purpose of ending gun violence and giving back to the community. Since joining East Flatbush Village a year ago, Abigail has participated in many food and personal protection giveaways. She hopes to start a career that incorporates computer science.

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Christopher Michel

College/University: Florida International University
Major: Computer Science
Award: 2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship

Christopher Michel is a driven second-year student at Florida International University, where he is pursuing a degree in Computer Science with a minor in Global Black Studies. Christopher actively engages with campus life through his involvement in various student organizations. As a General Board member of the Black Student Union, Christopher demonstrates his commitment to promoting inclusivity, empowerment, and advocacy for the Black community on campus. Christopher is a member of the Google Developers Club. This affiliation showcases his passion for technology and his dedication to expanding his skills and knowledge in the field.

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Jayson Richardson

College/University: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Major: Business
Award: 2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship

Kolby Phillips is a Marketing major studying at Texas Southern University. As a member of Tiger Nation, Kolby serves as the Senate Secretary in the Student Government Association where he is an advocate for the student body. He has gained valuable work experience from companies such as PwC and Atlantic Records. In the future, it is his goal to diversify Corporate America and provide opportunities to minority creatives. In his spare time, Kolby serves as Co-Founder of Dollars and Change Inc., a non-profit organization that teaches youth the importance of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Additionally, he serves as a mentor and Praise and Worship leader at his church in Houston, TX. Some of his passions include helping others, hanging out with his friends, exploring different restaurants, and creating new memories.

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Dalyn Sims

College/University: Bethune-Cookman University
Major: Information Systems
Award: 2023 Lowe’s Marvin R. Ellison Emerging Leaders Scholarship

Dalyn Sims is a sophomore attending Bethune Cookman University, majoring in Information Systems and minoring in Homeland Security. Dalyn works in the University’s CIT department as a Help Desk Technician. He is the Treasurer of the NAACP chapter and a member of Club Kreyol, which hosts campus and community clean-up events, and clothing drives for the less fortunate in Haiti. Dalyn was elected Mr. Sophomore 2022-2023 and has plans to campaign for Mr. Junior. He was the past President of Cocoa Police Athletic League, a hometown organization, where he continues to volunteer for fundraising and community events. He enjoys being a part of this organization because it was a major impact during his youth, and he feels it is important to give back.

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